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The Ultimate Kubernetes Administrator Course | CKA
0 - Introduction and Course Overview
0 - Tell us about you :)
1 - Introduction and Course Overview (9:59)
2 - Gitlab Repository for the course
3 - Join Course Community
4 - Before you get started
1 - Kubernetes Core Concepts
1.1 - Introduction to Kubernetes (2:51)
1.2 - Main Kubernetes Components (19:11)
1.3 - Kubernetes Architecture (Control Plane and Worker Nodes) (12:48)
1.4 - Manage Kubernetes Resources - kubectl and config file (4:56)
1.5 - K8s Configuration File (4:33)
1.6 - Pre-Requisite: YAML Basics (16:49)
2 - Build Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch
2.1 - Section Introduction and Background Story (3:33)
2.2 - Pre-Requisite: AWS Basics (20:17)
2.AWS Cost Savings Tips
2.3 - Provision Infrastructure on AWS (10:52)
2.4 - Pre-Requisite: TLS Certificates (12:12)
2.5 - Kubernetes Cluster Installation Steps (11:38)
2.6 - Configure K8s Nodes (13:57)
2.7 - Container Runtime Interface (5:46)
2.8 - Install Container Runtime (Containerd) (16:03)
2.9 - Install kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl (11:23)
2.10 - Initialize Cluster with kubeadm (12:06)
2.11 - Connect to cluster (kubeconfig & kubectl) (9:16)
2.12 - Organize Resources with Namespaces (9:49) (9:45)
2.13 - kube-system namespace (3:27)
2.14 - Pre-Requisite: Networking Basics (16:11)
2.15 - Networking in K8s - Overview (2:03) (1:53)
2.16 - Container Communication (6:36)
2.17 - Container Network Interface - CNI (8:56)
2.18 - Configure Network Plugin - Cilium (8:24)
2.19 - Join Worker Nodes to cluster (17:31)
3 - Deployment, Services & DNS in Kubernetes (Deploy Applications)
3.1 - Section Overview (1:17)
3.2 - Deploy nginx (4:37)
3.3 - Create nginx Service (16:11)
3.4 - Labelling Components (8:42)
3.5 - Scaling Deployments & Record Kubectl Commands (5:50)
3.6 - Connect to nginx Pod (5:03)
3.7 - Why DNS? (1:28)
3.8 - Pre-Requisite: Domain Name System (DNS) (9:33)
3.9 - DNS in Kubernetes (15:39)
3.10 - Configure Service IP Address (6:59) (6:49)
3.11 - Pro Tip for kubectl (9:17)
4 - External Services & Ingress Controller (Access from Outside)
4.1 - Section Overview (0:46)
4.2 - NodePort (5:13)
4.3 - Loadbalancer (11:00)
4.4 - Ingress (16:58)
4.5 - Setup Ingress - Overview (1:18)
4.6 - Helm - Package Manager (12:58)
4.7 - Deploy Ingress Controller (5:55)
4.8 - Configure Routing (12:02)
5 - Control Access with Users & Permissions
5.1 - Section Introduction (0:33)
5.2 - Authorization with Role Based Access Control (RBAC) (15:45)
5.3 - Other Authorization Modes (1:26)
5.4 - Certificates in Kubernetes (2:42)
5.5 - Certificates API (2:27)
5.6 - Demo Overview - Users & Permissions (2:57)
5.7 - Create User Account (11:10)
5.8 - Connect to Cluster with User (12:13)
5.9 - Give User Permission - ClusterRole (14:12)
5.10 - Create ServiceAccount & Permissions (17:06)
6 - Troubleshooting
6.1 - Section Intro (1:27)
6.2 - Troubleshoot Applications (2:04)
6.3 - Debug with temporary Pods (17:58)
6.4 - Kubectl Format Output (11:43)
6.5 - Troubleshoot Kubelet and Kubectl Issues (8:49)
7 - Multi Container Pods
7.1 - Section Introduction (1:05) (1:05)
7.2 - Sidecar and Init Containers (3:02)
7.3 - Demo: Deploy Sidecar and Init Container (8:46)
7.4 - Exposing Pod Information (6:52)
8 - Persist Data in Kubernetes (Volumes)
8.1 - Section Introduction (1:05)
8.2 - Persisting Data with Volumes - PV, PVC, SC (20:13)
8.3 - Configure HostPath Volume (17:36)
8.4 - Configure emptyDir Volume (6:26)
9 - External Configuration with ConfigMap and Secret
9.1 - Introduction to ConfigMap and Secret (1:06)
9.2 - Demo: Pass as Environment Variables (8:34)
9.3 - Demo: Pass as Volumes (12:15)
10 - Resource Requests & Limits
10.1 - Section Introduction (0:52)
10.2 - What are Resource Requests and Limits (1:30)
10.3 - Demo: Configure Resource Requests and LImits (6:40)
11 - Scheduling Pods
11.1 - Section Introduction (0:50)
11.2 - NodeName and Node Selector - Assigning Pods to Nodes (4:53)
11.3 - Node Affinity - Assigning Pods to Nodes (8:29)
11.4 - Taints & Tolerations (6:23)
11.5 - Inter-Pod Affinity (5:45)
12 - Health Checks with Liveness and Readiness Probes
12.1 - Section Introduction (1:04)
12.2 - What are Liveness and Readiness Probes (4:36)
12.3 - Configure Liveness and Readiness Probes (3:49)
13 - Deployment Strategies - Rolling Update
13.1 - Section Introduction (1:29)
13.2 - What is a ReplicaSet (0:50)
13.3 - Deployment Update Strategies - Rolling Update (7:18)
14 - ETCD Backup & Restore
14.1 - Section Introduction (0:34)
14.2 - What etcd stores (1:42)
14.3 - Backing up etcd store (7:12)
14.4 - Alternatives to manage etcd (2:11)
14.5 - Restoring etcd (7:52) (7:27)
15 - Kubernetes REST API
15.1 - Section Introduction (0:42)
15.2 - Access REST API with kubectl proxy (3:20)
15.3 - Interacting with REST API (without kubectl proxy) (16:23)
16 - Upgrade K8s Cluster
16.1 - Section Introduction (0:40)
16.2 - How Cluster Upgrade works (11:16)
16.3 - Demo: Upgrade Cluster (15:58)
Take a break and Leave us a Review :)
17 - Manage multiple Clusters with Kube Contexts
17.1 - Section Introduction (0:28)
17.2 - Working with multiple clusters using Kube Contexts (11:52)
18 - Certificate Management in Kubernetes
18.1 - Section Introduction (0:30)
18.2 - Check Certificate Expiration (5:48)
18.3 - Renew Certificates (2:35)
19 - Secure Cluster - Control Traffic with Network Policies
19.1 - Section Introduction (0:28)
19.2 - How Network Policies work (13:19)
19.3 - Configure Network Policies for Cluster (13:55)
20 - CKA Exam Tips
20.1 - Section Introduction (0:30)
20.2 - Exam Tips (8:56)
20.3 - Tips during exam (7:17)
20.4 - Practice with Mock Exams
20.5 - Official Exam Resources
Congratulations :)
1 - Congratulations! (0:52)
2 - Next Steps - Where You Go From Here
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4.8 - Configure Routing
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